Just Some Thoughts…

Are the Dems thinking straight right now? Congressman Jerry McNerney and Congresswoman Anna Eshoo sent letters to the heads of several cable carriers and big-tech platforms questioning their practices and policies re: letting conservative news outlets broadcast on the platforms.

Amazon, AT&T, Hulu, Comcast and several others received letters from the two Democratic reps asking what “moral or ethical principles… related to journalistic integrity… do you apply in deciding which channels to carry…”, if they ever took “any actions against a channel for using your platform to disseminate any disinformation…” and do they plan “to continue carrying Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN” beyond their contact renewal date. 

As recounted in the article linked to at the top of the page, Michael Tracey doesn’t like it (and he has a challenge). Glenn Greenwald has an opinion on this too. After reminding readers that the media spent the last four years warning America that President Trump was an existential threat to press freedom, Greenwald noted that “[t]here is not a peep of protest from any liberal journalists. Do any of the people who spent four years pretending to care so deeply about the vital role of press freedom have anything to say about this full frontal attack by the majority party in Washington on news outlets opposed to their political agenda and ideology?”

Matt Taibbi agrees. The title of his article says it all: “I Can’t Stand Fox News, But Censoring It Might Be The Dumbest Idea Ever” (it’s long but worth a read). 

At least someone out there is calling out these letters for what they are-an outright attack on the First Amendment. FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr released a statement, saying that the two Democrats’ message is that “these regulated entities will pay a price if the targeted newsrooms do not conform to Democrats’ preferred political narratives. This is a chilling transgression of the free speech rights that every media outlet in this country enjoys.”

Of course, the liberal media is silent. After all, attacking Fox News, Newsmax and OANN is in their genes (I watch Tucker Carlson and some other Fox shows but not much; seen Greg Kelly a few times on Newsmaxnever watched OANN). We listened for four years to tales of Russian collusion, golden showers, Clapper and Brennan, Michael Avenatti, the Ukrainian phone call lead-up to Impeachment I. We watched the Hunter Biden laptop cover-up/suppression in real time. Can you imagine if the Trump administration tried to de-platform CNN or MSNBC? The hue and cry erupting on Twitter and Facebook? The wailing and gnashing of teeth in the newsrooms of the NYT and WaPo?  No, the liberal media is happy to see their competition silenced by any means necessary. The media, and the Democratic party, are going to do everything that they can to disrupt and repress the conservative movement and keep President Trump out of the White House in 2024. Trump still, to this day, lives on in their minds….


You can watch the cancel culture at work in real time. Gregory Manco is a math professor at Philadelphia’s St. Joseph’s University. He had a Twitter account which he apparently administered in the name of a college summer league baseball team he used to coach (he is a volunteer assistant coach at St. Joe’s) in which he recently stated his opposition to reparations. Someone figured out his connection to the Twitter account and emailed the post to the St. Joe’s administration on February 19th. The administration is “looking into this.”

 Manco does not have tenure. He has been an assistant professor at St. Joe’s for 15 years and signs a new one-year contract annually. St. Joe’s has placed him on paid leave while the school conducts its investigation.  

The link above has Professor Manco’s response, stating his position and discussing his political views and values. 

Good luck, Professor. You’re going to need it.

12 thoughts on “Just Some Thoughts…”

  1. Curious how “the media” is liberal as if Fox, Oan, Newsmax, WSJ and everything Murdoch weren’t media.
    As to what “the media” reported, and I have told you before, read the Mueller report.
    As to Trump “living on in their minds”, you’re the one that just raised his old complaints.
    But, wait a minute, Trump just did the same thing at CPAC to rousing cheers.
    Whose minds does he continue to occupy?
    Finally, the conservative mind. Please tell me, seriously, how Trump represents conservative thought.

    1. Whose minds does he occupy? Well, certainly the 74 million people who voted for him-and the people cheering him on at CPAC. And, of course, those Democrats who despise him and are afraid that he will run and win in 2024. After all, he is the most acquitted president in the history of the country!
      As to the former president representing conservative thought, he is not a classical conservative (if there is such a thing). But he is not a classical (maybe “establishment” is a better word) politician. Isn’t that why he won in 2016? People who supported him recognized that? Do you think he cares what’s in “the conservative mind?” He supported Israel and the US military, cut taxes and regulations, withdrew the country from international agreements he felt were not to America’s advantage. I’d say those moves were consistent with “conservative thought.” But he didn’t send troops to the Middle East or elsewhere to spread American-style democracy or start new wars. He negotiated with North Korea and met with Putin. Bill Kristol and the staff at the Weekly Standard were apoplectic. He secured borders and enforced immigration laws. He did what he said he would do when he was campaigning. That alone sets him apart from establishment Republicans and Democrats.
      He may not represent conservative thought but he fulfilled many of his promises that he made to supporters. But, I understand, he lost because of his divisiveness and the hatred many on the left feel for him. I think it is to the country’s detriment since we are already seeing President Biden failing before our eyes as his handlers inject far left policies into our lives.
      I downloaded the Mueller report and will read it.

  2. Hah, earlier you accused liberal media and democrat minds as being occupied by Trump. You reversed yourself.
    You are absolutely correct that he is not a classical conservative. He seems to be devoid of any ideology other than his idolizing himself. You are absolutely correct that he’s the most acquitted. He also had the most bi-partisan votes for conviction in history.
    I watched some of CPAC, a litany of complaints and a list of enemies. Not one positive thought or idea on what would improve the country and the lives of the citizenry. 500,000 dead people completely ignored.
    He got nothing from North Korea other than raising “Rocketman’s” status on the world stage which is exactly what he was looking for. As for Putin, I expect we’ll see a lot more evidence as to what went on between them in the coming months. He certainly didn’t hold him to task.
    Biden failing 40 days in, hmmmm. You mean the Biden who has a 60% approval rating v Trumps 31%.?
    Incidentally the pending Covid-19 relief bill has a 73% approval rating. A lot of those 74 million have to be included in those numbers. Biden is clearly not the be all and end all but I’m happy to see our government starting to work more linearly and not being subject to a daily harangue of tweets.
    It’s funny, Trump could have easily won that election (YOu do agree he lost?) if he had a shred of humanity a soupcon of humility and stayed the fuck off twitter. The Senate would be Republican if he hadn’t injected himself into the Georgia runoff. CPAC was not a conservative event, it was not a republican event, it was a Trump rally. Fortunately it was in Florida where the only harm it could cause is spreading Covid-19.
    I am interested in your take after reading Mueller. 😘

    1. Of course Trump supporters have “Trump on their mind.” But the left’s obsession with and fear of Trump is noteworthy. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a thing.
      President Biden has a 60% approval rating? Seems high. Not that high according to FiveThirtyEight. And by failing I mean his physical and mental decline. Do you think he’ll finish his term?
      Trump would have won but for the Wuhan flu.It appears now (absent evidence to the contrary) he lost. I do wish he would have not made some of the comments he made and stayed off Twitter.
      I’ll let you know when I finish Mueller.

  3. Even at 538’s number he beats the pants off Trump.
    Biden’s “failing” is a right wing talking point started by the aforementioned Trump.
    Trump absolutely could have won, flu aside. All he had to do was handle it properly. He didn’t.
    Trump derangement syndrome is only a talking point among Trump supporters.
    Yes, I expect he’ll finish the term. No, Trump will neither run nor win again.
    He has a better shot at an orange jumpsuit.
    Looking forward to your take on the Mueller report.

  4. As to doing what he said he would do while campaigning, promises made, promises kept:
    What about that beautiful wall that Mexico was going to pay for?
    The self described “master builder” added only a few miles of new wall along the 654 miles of existing wall along the 2,000 mile border. Mexico didn’t spend a peso.
    Speaking of building, he promised $550 billion and a trust fund to shore up infrastructure. Later he raised it to $1 trillion. Nope, nada, nothing.
    Raise the economy by 4% a year. Nope. Best it ever got was 2.9%. No better than Obama.
    Speaking of Obama. Repeal and replace Obamacare. Nope. Not even after 50 attempts. And here’s the thing, Obamacare is admittedly not a perfect piece of legislation but healthcare is 17-18% of GDP and needed by every single citizen. It has been the law of the land 11 years this month. Trump repeatedly promised he’s unveil the replacement plan in 2 weeks. Did you ever see one? Assume it got repealed. There would be a total healthcare void and the system would collapse. Thankfully that never happened.
    Bring back manufacturing, restore the rust built. He did no better than Obama.
    Deport all undocumented immigrants. Nope. Actually Obama deported more without wantonly separating children from parents.
    Drain the swamp by Banning foreign lobbyists and preventing members of any administration from lobbying for 5 years. A good idea but not only did he not get it done but he made the swamp swampier. No bans.
    Eliminate the national debt in 8 years. Nope. Raised it significantly pre-Covid and cut the taxes that could have helped accomplish that.
    Speaking of money. Balance the federal budget. Nope. Far from it. Curiously Clinton was the last to do that.
    Term limits. Also a good idea. Nope.
    Release his tax returns. Nope.
    I could go on but you get the picture. I still can’t see the hold he has on the republican so-called conservative mind. I do know a number of actual conservatives who now refer to themselves as republicans in exile and a few who switched parties.

  5. In keeping with the news. Trump, the leader of the party for all intents and purposes, has sent cease and desist letters to prevent the RNC and the Senatorial and Congressional committees from using his name. The party litmus test is loyalty to Trump yet you can’t invoke his name? Not that I mind not hearing it but wtf? You can however use it if you run through his PAC. From my perspective he is not only far from a conservative but is directly monetizing the party to his benefit and his alone. Thoughts?
    Incidentally, I miss the balance brought by the loyal opposition and thoughtful conservatives as intended..

    1. I assume he is pissed off about the Republicans who voted to impeach him and/or whom didn’t support him after the January 6 Capitol riot. So what? He’s got a PAC set up for the 2022 elections and he wants money donated there. He doesn’t like people making money off his image. That’s just how Joe DiMaggio was.
      Don’t think there is much thought given to “balance” in Congress these days. Ending the filibuster? Didn’t they learn from when Harry Reid ended the judicial filibuster? Ramming that $1.9 billion COVID bill through?
      Started reading the Mueller report.

      1. Biden presser today, didn’t say end the filibuster, quite the opposite, he said bring back the original where you had to actually do something besides an angry email. Jimmy Stewart!

        1. I could live with that-but that’s not what the lefties who are controlling him will let happen, if they get the chance.

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